Military-Oriented Charities
There a literally hundreds of charities around the country that support our military members and their families. Before you donate, be sure to investigate.
The Corte Bella Vets became exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3) and designated as a Public Charity on April 15, 2015. While there are many other worthwhile organizations out there, as an organization, we chose to only provide our support to charitable organizations that meet all of the following criteria:
- Must not have more than 15% “overhead”
- Must be supporting military in Arizona
- Must be able to provide tax receipts and/or tax credits
In 2016, we expanded our charitable donations to include assistance directly to needy Veterans or Veteran Families. We named this effort our “Veterans Emergency Assistance Fund”. In order to make sure our funds would be put to good use without having to create our own screening and vetting process and duplicate the efforts of others, we chose to respond primarily to requests generated by the Social Workers at the Northwest Veterans Affairs Health Care Clinic in Surprise, Arizona. Requests from other accredited organizations that are able to properly vette a request for assistance are also considered.
Our primary support takes the form of $25 gift certificates good at Fry’s or Walmart (food and/or gas) distributed by the Social Workers on an “as needed basis”. Occasionally, $25 is not enough to meet a Veteran or Family emergency and we support to the maximum extent we can.
For more information about the organizations we support, please click on the “MORE” menu button above and then click on a specific organization you are interested in. You may also download the document below for your use.
Support Provided
Contributions to Arizona Veterans and their Families including:
$35,500 Homeless Vet Shelter Support
$33,500 America’s Mighty Warriors
$26,000 Soldiers Best Friend
$21,440 Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
$22,900 SEE4Vets
$19,500 Project Veterans Pride (Walton Home)
$23,000 Horse Rhythm Foundation
$12,000 Fisher House Arizona
$68,931 Direct to Veterans for emergency
$ 9,000 Veterans Furniture Warehouse
$10,000 Other Veteran Service Organizations
$ 5,000 DAV Foundation
$ 4,500 Honor Flight Arizona
$ 4,000 Hunt for Heroes
$ 2,000 District 11, American Legion
$ 1,500 Veterans for Veterans in Arizona
$ 3,500 US Vets
$242.171,000 Thanksgiving + Christmas Support
America’s Mighty Warriors
Disabled American Veterans, Department of Arizona
Purpose: The purpose of the Disabled American Veterans, Department of Arizona, shall be to uphold and maintain the Constitution and the laws of the United States; to realize the true American ideals and aims for which those eligible to membership fought; to advance the interests and work for the betterment of all wounded, gassed, injured and disabled veterans, to cooperate with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and all other public and private agencies devoted to the cause of improving and advancing the condition, health, and interest of all wounded, gassed, injured and disabled veterans; to stimulate a feeling of mutual devotion, helpfulness and comradeship among all wounded, gassed, injured and disabled veterans; to serve our comrades, our communities, and our country; and to encourage in all people that spirit of understanding which will guard against future wars.